How Long to Read Book of Samples

By Demetrius Cudjoe

How Long Does it Take to Read Book of Samples?

It takes the average reader 7 hours and 33 minutes to read Book of Samples by Demetrius Cudjoe

Assuming a reading speed of 250 words per minute. Learn more


THE BOOK OF SAMPLES is just that, a variety of poetry of my favorite collections, over the past 38 years. In this book, you will read poems, of love, history, Everyday life, Humorous, Eerie and Christian poems. As well as my very first poems. Some are strictly my imagination, some are very true, I'll let you figure out which ones are real and which ones are not. Each poem tells a story, that's my style a story inside of every poem. You will read about (The Round House), my first Eerie poem. I'll tell you about the horrible things that happened there one night, in a little town in Oklahoma. You will read about an old building, that was (Boarded Up) for so many years, until someone entered and unleashed the horror, that was locked up inside. And I must talk about the God all mighty, with some of my Christian poems. And some history about Dr Martian Luther King, you will get a chance to learn all about his life. A poem called (Family) a story about a family back in the 1800's something happened so amazing that takes a great number of years to unfold and all the cards had to fall in the right place. You will read about one of the characters in the book that had an experience with a semi-Truck, that will just make you gasp, when you read what happened. Or my sports poems about this young man that was sent to prison, who claims to be innocent, he became a boxer while in prison, and you won't believe what happened to him. And of course my favorites, Chandler Baseball camp and the last and longest poem that I wrote, Barn Wood. And many other poems that I enjoyed writing.

How long is Book of Samples?

Book of Samples by Demetrius Cudjoe is 445 pages long, and a total of 113,475 words.

This makes it 150% the length of the average book. It also has 139% more words than the average book.

How Long Does it Take to Read Book of Samples Aloud?

The average oral reading speed is 183 words per minute. This means it takes 10 hours and 20 minutes to read Book of Samples aloud.

What Reading Level is Book of Samples?

Book of Samples is suitable for students ages 12 and up.

Note that there may be other factors that effect this rating besides length that are not factored in on this page. This may include things like complex language or sensitive topics not suitable for students of certain ages.

When deciding what to show young students always use your best judgement and consult a professional.

Where Can I Buy Book of Samples?

Book of Samples by Demetrius Cudjoe is sold by several retailers and bookshops. However, Read Time works with Amazon to provide an easier way to purchase books.

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