How Long to Read Eye in the Well of Mimir

By Ron McVan

How Long Does it Take to Read Eye in the Well of Mimir?

It takes the average reader 4 hours and 14 minutes to read Eye in the Well of Mimir by Ron McVan

Assuming a reading speed of 250 words per minute. Learn more


The perceptions of Norse Mythology, of ancestors, gods, Euro-Tribes, hidden worlds and highly intelligent alien beings all converge in the novel "Eye in the Well of Mimir". A fictional fantasy? Perhaps, and then again, perhaps not quite as fictional as some might be led to believe. Each reader can form their own conclusions as they see fit. However, one thing that most readers can be sure to agree on, "Eye in the Well of Mimir", by author Ron McVan, offers not only a virtual well of knowledge, but a journey that just might awaken and transport its readers to the roots of their deepest inner Folk-soul. Few can deny that we are living in very anxious and perilous times. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and for John Morrissey, the central figure in the story, immediate answers, action and solutions must be found and implemented, even if his quest leads him to travel to the ends of the earth. As he sets out to find the 'Well of Wisdom' known as 'Mimir's Well' his journey takes him to the south pole of Antarctica. But what he finds within the well is not exactly what he had envisioned. After a few days visit with some highly intelligent beings, he returns to the Outland world of Midgard from which he came, not only a changed man but a driven man, a man with a desperate, if not crucial destiny laid out before him to fulfill.

How long is Eye in the Well of Mimir?

Eye in the Well of Mimir by Ron McVan is 252 pages long, and a total of 63,504 words.

This makes it 85% the length of the average book. It also has 78% more words than the average book.

How Long Does it Take to Read Eye in the Well of Mimir Aloud?

The average oral reading speed is 183 words per minute. This means it takes 5 hours and 47 minutes to read Eye in the Well of Mimir aloud.

What Reading Level is Eye in the Well of Mimir?

Eye in the Well of Mimir is suitable for students ages 12 and up.

Note that there may be other factors that effect this rating besides length that are not factored in on this page. This may include things like complex language or sensitive topics not suitable for students of certain ages.

When deciding what to show young students always use your best judgement and consult a professional.

Where Can I Buy Eye in the Well of Mimir?

Eye in the Well of Mimir by Ron McVan is sold by several retailers and bookshops. However, Read Time works with Amazon to provide an easier way to purchase books.

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