It takes the average reader 3 hours and 27 minutes to read I Was in Love with a Short Man Once by Kimberly J. Dalferes
Assuming a reading speed of 250 words per minute. Learn more
Have you ever wondered if the life of the woman standing next to you in the checkout line is as weird as yours? Could it be possible you're trapped in a bizarre reality show, where the object of the game is to get the crazy lady to flip out just one more time? If so, this book confirms you are in good company. I Was In Love With a Short Man Once is a collection of stories written from the perspective of a crazy Southern Irish gal. Follow her as she reflects on growing up as a child of limited means in South Florida; managing a self-financed college education; balancing work as a federal official with the demands of single motherhood; and navigating the amusing challenges of being a second-time-around wife. Coming Up Stories reflect the distinctive surroundings of South Florida through stories such as "Flagpole." Jimmy Stories illustrate the bond between mother and son. Stories here include "Kool-aid Mom" and "Zamboni" and reveal the life lessons that our children teach us. The Rest of the Stories round out the author's quirky observations, including "Naked in a Hot Tub in Vegas" and "Crazy Virgo Tendencies." "Dalferes is a fresh voice in the realm of funny women who write about their own experiences...With chapter titles like 'The Patron Saint of Parking, ' 'My Water Broke Because I was Married To a Prick, ' and 'Kool-Aid Mom, ' everyone will find something to like." Betsy Ashton, Author, Mad Max, Unintended Consequences "This is one funny lady with a very fine talent whose bound to climb onto the platform with Erma Bombeck, Fannie Flagg, Nora Ephron et al. Catch her while she is wet!" 5 *'s from Grady Harp, Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer "So what's the deal with the title you ask? I won't spoil it for you, all will be revealed, you will just have to clear your schedule, turn the Blackberry off and buckle up for an extraordinary heartwarmingly funny ride." Rachel Abbott for the Kindle Book Review "The author's candid observations, unforgiving attention to details, and lively pace made it too compelling to be qualified as anything less than a page-turner. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the humility and optimism that permeates her writing and, oh, the wit... that dry, self-deprecating funny-as-hell southern wit!" Megan's Blog and Book Reviews"
I Was in Love with a Short Man Once by Kimberly J. Dalferes is 204 pages long, and a total of 51,816 words.
This makes it 69% the length of the average book. It also has 63% more words than the average book.
The average oral reading speed is 183 words per minute. This means it takes 4 hours and 43 minutes to read I Was in Love with a Short Man Once aloud.
I Was in Love with a Short Man Once is suitable for students ages 12 and up.
Note that there may be other factors that effect this rating besides length that are not factored in on this page. This may include things like complex language or sensitive topics not suitable for students of certain ages.
When deciding what to show young students always use your best judgement and consult a professional.
I Was in Love with a Short Man Once by Kimberly J. Dalferes is sold by several retailers and bookshops. However, Read Time works with Amazon to provide an easier way to purchase books.
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