How Long to Read The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela

By Dan Kovalik

How Long Does it Take to Read The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela?

It takes the average reader 4 hours to read The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela by Dan Kovalik

Assuming a reading speed of 250 words per minute. Learn more


An in-depth look at the US threat to "save" Venezuela Since 1999 when Hugo Chavez became the elected president of Venezuela, the US has been conniving to overthrow his government and to roll back the Bolivarian Revolution which he ushered in to Venezuela. With the untimely death of Hugo Chavez in 2013, and the election of Nicolas Maduro that followed, the US redoubled its efforts to overturn this revolution. The US is now threatening to intervene militarily to bring about the regime change it has wanted for twenty years. While we have been told that the US’s efforts to overthrow Chavez and Maduro are motivated by altruistic goals of advancing the interests of democracy and human rights in Venezuela, is this true? The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela answers this question with a resounding “no,” demonstrating that: The US’s interests in Venezuela have always centered upon one and only one thing: Venezuela’s vast oil reserves; The US has happily supported one repressive regime after another in Venezuela to protect its oil interests; Chavez and Maduro are not the “tyrants” we have been led to believe they are, but in fact have done much to advance the interests of democracy and economic equality in Venezuela; What the US and the Venezuelan opposition resent most is the fact that Chavez and Maduro have governed in the interest of Venezuela’s vast numbers of poor and oppressed racial groups; While the US claims that it is has the humanitarian interests of the Venezuelan people at heart, the fact is that the US has been waging a one-sided economic war against Venezuela which has greatly undermined the health and living conditions of Venezuelans; The opposition forces the US is attempting to put into power represent Venezuela’s oligarchy who want to place Venezuela’s oil revenues back in the hands of Venezuela’s economic elite as well as US oil companies. The battle for Venezuela which is now being waged will determine the fate of all of Latin America for many years to come. The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela lets readers know what is at stake in this struggle and urges readers to reconsider which side they are on.

How long is The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela?

The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela by Dan Kovalik is 240 pages long, and a total of 60,000 words.

This makes it 81% the length of the average book. It also has 73% more words than the average book.

How Long Does it Take to Read The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela Aloud?

The average oral reading speed is 183 words per minute. This means it takes 5 hours and 27 minutes to read The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela aloud.

What Reading Level is The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela?

The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela is suitable for students ages 12 and up.

Note that there may be other factors that effect this rating besides length that are not factored in on this page. This may include things like complex language or sensitive topics not suitable for students of certain ages.

When deciding what to show young students always use your best judgement and consult a professional.

Where Can I Buy The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela?

The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela by Dan Kovalik is sold by several retailers and bookshops. However, Read Time works with Amazon to provide an easier way to purchase books.

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