It takes the average reader 5 hours and 34 minutes to read Where Secrets Reside by Susan Finlay
Assuming a reading speed of 250 words per minute. Learn more
In Reynier, France, a sleepy hillside village peppered with ancient picturesque troglodyte cave dwellings, the locals value their privacy and their quiet life. Few tourists know it exits, which suits the locals just fine. One day, after a torrential storm, a townswoman happens across a terrified soaked toddler sitting alone in the woods. She brings the toddler into town, but no one recognizes the child. Suspecting the child's parents—rare tourists perhaps—must be lost or in trouble nearby, the locals organize a search party to find them. Their search leads instead to the discovery of a murder victim, another stranger, in one of the caves. As the investigation gets underway, the situation heats up. The residents of this once peaceful close-knit village find themselves terrorized by a possible serial killer. Facing their own mortality, they wonder whether the killer is an outsider, or one of their own? And who will be the next victim?Captain Pascal Goddard of the local Gendarmerie has his hands full; he must solve the biggest murder case the region has ever seen. The residents will not let him rest until he uncovers the killer's identity, putting a stop to the killing so a frantic village can return to normal. But as the list of suspects grows, some begin to worry that past history will paint them as guilty even if they are not; at least not of murder.Where Secrets Reside is the second book in the Outsiders series. Praise for the first book, In the Shadows—“Impeccable Characters. . . Susan Finlay's sense of character development in IN THE SHADOWS is impeccable. I'm very fond of this author and this story.”—Susan Wingate, Author of the award-winning, #1 Amazon bestsellers Drowning and the Bobby's Diner series“Atmospheric, great setting. . . the descriptive prose drew me right into a convincing story from the outset and I can only imagine that the author's experience as a photographer, with a photographer's eye, must be the other side of the coin to the compelling eye for setting.”—Raymond Nickford, Author of A Child From the Wishing Well and Aristo's Family“One of My Favorite Novelists. . . Susan Finlay is an accomplished writer who can bring a story to life. It was easy for me to get lost In the Shadows. I loved this Outsiders Mystery.”—Mary Enck, Author
Where Secrets Reside by Susan Finlay is 332 pages long, and a total of 83,664 words.
This makes it 112% the length of the average book. It also has 102% more words than the average book.
The average oral reading speed is 183 words per minute. This means it takes 7 hours and 37 minutes to read Where Secrets Reside aloud.
Where Secrets Reside is suitable for students ages 12 and up.
Note that there may be other factors that effect this rating besides length that are not factored in on this page. This may include things like complex language or sensitive topics not suitable for students of certain ages.
When deciding what to show young students always use your best judgement and consult a professional.
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