How Long to Read With Loving Hands

By Claudette A. Azar-kenyon

How Long Does it Take to Read With Loving Hands?

It takes the average reader 3 hours and 40 minutes to read With Loving Hands by Claudette A. Azar-kenyon

Assuming a reading speed of 250 words per minute. Learn more


Arriving at Ellis Island in New York in 1914, and like so many others, my ancestors came to these great United States by ship, seeking a simple dream of freedom and a more prosperous future for their family. Although they were people of meager possessions, their most treasured assets were their Lebanese customs. They kept these alive through the traditions of hospitality, food, music, dance and literature. Lebanon is a country like no other. A mystical mosaic of sunny beaches and snow-capped mountains and home to hospitable, friendly, cultured people. The Lebanese are renowned for their warm hospitality, in fact, some of the greatest glories of my life are the memories of my parents entertaining friends and family. They taught us that there is a great kinship felt by all who dine together. This concept is a tradition carried forward in time, from antiquity. For us, many an evening was spent over food, enjoying time and our traditions with friends. Our table was always full. Even today, as my parents enjoy their golden years, they enjoy sharing the Lebanese tradition of hospitality by hosting friends of many diverse cultures. Our friends have enjoyed our culture and our cuisine, and many are delighted to learn how to re-create their personal favorites in their own kitchens. Long before the concept of "diversity" was a focus, my parents' traditional preparation of Lebanese food and warm hospitality became one way they communicated our culture to others. They also did this through music and dance, while using traditional costumes and musical instruments. They shared the beauty of our culture in very public settings, as well as entertaining at home. Many dishes of mazza (pleasant tastes flavorful little dishes that make terrific appetizers, sides or savory snacks) donned our table. Dining on various mazza foods, over light conversation, with a Turkish pipe (argheeleh) lit with fruit tobacco for sharing, with small glasses of Arak for sipping (licorice-tasting Lebanese liquor) and some light music always gave an exotic feeling to even the simplest visit with friends. This recipe storybook is one way I chose to honor my parents and the best of my Lebanese heritage. I was amazed, even as an avid reader and writer, cook and author, how challenging cookbook writing is, not only from an author's point of view, but from a publisher's point of view. Recipe testing, editing, copy editing, proof reading, graphic design, photography, and book styling are all an important part of bringing such an artistic project to fruition. The easiest part of this project was also the most important ingredient - the contributions of rich family traditions that I have been so blessed to enjoy. An important part of my family's social interaction and daily life surrounded meals, food preparation, entertaining and serving others. Breaking bread together, with both family and friends, was and remains a much-valued event and, in some ways, a spiritual experience. It was and continues to be a joyful backdrop in every celebration or get together, even when just enjoying a simple or quick meal. Our house and our table remains full with great food, wonderful stories, and lots of fun. Although Lebanese cuisine may seem strikingly similar to that of many other Middle Eastern countries, our cuisine is somewhat unique, much like the country itself. Lebanese food is a delicious fusion of European sophistication and exotic Middle and Far Eastern ingredients brought to the country through the earliest merchants in human history. This brilliant combination makes Lebanese cuisine one of the most exciting, aromatic, and naturally colorful culinary experiences in the world. The Lebanese may have a complex history, but the one simple custom that has prevailed throughout our heritage is hospitality. It is this most grand Lebanese characteristic that I try to emulate in my own home and share with you through the flavors of my family stories, tradi

How long is With Loving Hands?

With Loving Hands by Claudette A. Azar-kenyon is 220 pages long, and a total of 55,000 words.

This makes it 74% the length of the average book. It also has 67% more words than the average book.

How Long Does it Take to Read With Loving Hands Aloud?

The average oral reading speed is 183 words per minute. This means it takes 5 hours to read With Loving Hands aloud.

What Reading Level is With Loving Hands?

With Loving Hands is suitable for students ages 12 and up.

Note that there may be other factors that effect this rating besides length that are not factored in on this page. This may include things like complex language or sensitive topics not suitable for students of certain ages.

When deciding what to show young students always use your best judgement and consult a professional.

Where Can I Buy With Loving Hands?

With Loving Hands by Claudette A. Azar-kenyon is sold by several retailers and bookshops. However, Read Time works with Amazon to provide an easier way to purchase books.

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