How Long to Read The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2

By Robin D. Gwynn

How Long Does it Take to Read The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2?

It takes the average reader to read The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2 by Robin D. Gwynn

Assuming a reading speed of 250 words per minute. Learn more


The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain is planned as one work to be published in three interlinking volumes (titles/publication dates detailed below). It examines the history of the French communities in Britain from the Civil War, which plunged them into turmoil, to the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, after which there was no realistic possibility that the Huguenots would be readmitted to France. There is a particular focus on the decades of the 1680s and 1690s, at once the most complex, the most crucial, and the most challenging alike for the refugees themselves and for subsequent historians. The work opens with the Calvinist French-speaking communities in England caught up in the Civil War. They could not avoid it, with many of their members largely assimilated into English society by the 1640s. Generally they favoured the Parliamentarian side, but any victory was pyrrhic because the Interregnum supported the rights of Independent congregations which undermined their whole Calvinist structure. Weakened by in-fighting, in the 1660s the old-established French churches then had to reassert their right to exist in the face of a sometimes hostile restored monarchy and episcopacy, a newly licenced French church emphasizing its Anglicanism and its loyalty to the crown, and the challenges of the Plague and the Fire of London which burnt the largest French church in England to the ground. They were still staggering to find their feet when the first trickle and then the full flood of new Huguenot immigration overwhelmed them. As for the newly arriving Huguenot ministers, not prepared for the England to which they came, they found they had to resolve what was often an intense personal dilemma: should they stand fast for the worship they had led in France, or accept Anglican ways? - and if they did accept Anglicanism, to what extent? It is demonstrated that many ministers took the Anglican route, although Volume II will show that the French communities as a whole, old and new alike, voted with their feet not to do so. A substantial appendix provides a biographical account of over 600 ministers in the orbit of the French churches across this period. Volume II: Settlement, Churches, and the Role of London - 978-1-84519-619-6 (2017); Volume III: The Huguenots and the Defeat of Louis XIV's France - 978-1-84519-620-2 (2020). -- ‡c From publisher's description.

How long is The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2?

The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2 by Robin D. Gwynn is 0 pages long, and a total of 0 words.

This makes it 0% the length of the average book. It also has 0% more words than the average book.

How Long Does it Take to Read The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2 Aloud?

The average oral reading speed is 183 words per minute. This means it takes to read The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2 aloud.

What Reading Level is The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2?

The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2 is suitable for students ages 2 and up.

Note that there may be other factors that effect this rating besides length that are not factored in on this page. This may include things like complex language or sensitive topics not suitable for students of certain ages.

When deciding what to show young students always use your best judgement and consult a professional.

Where Can I Buy The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2?

The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain, Vol. 2 by Robin D. Gwynn is sold by several retailers and bookshops. However, Read Time works with Amazon to provide an easier way to purchase books.

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